1.Dr. Abramson said he thought his C. D. C. advisory committee did the right thing in recommending Gardasil.
2.adequacy of an administrator's decision in light of the information produced by an advisory committee.
3.The activities of the Advisory Committee shall be reported to the General Assembly for approval at its next meeting.
4.The WHO Advisory Committee on Variola Virus research has continued to oversee and report on the research plan.
5.But the Science Advisory Committee missed another reason to have humans aboard, perhaps one of equal importance to getting ready for space.
6.Rules of Procedure. The General Assembly and the Advisory Committee shall adopt, and may amend, its own Rules of Procedure.
7.The advisory committee's tentative recommendations call for the research to continue, and for the monument to stay with the Forest Service.
8.That advisory committee met last week and voted that these drugs should not be given to children under the age of six.
9.Members of the advisory committee have been asked not to speak to the press before the meeting.
10.The same year she was appointed a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television in Bradford.